Medical School: University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine
Residency:University of Missouri Medical Center-Columbia
Professor in the Department of Community and Family Medicine
Director of the Sports Medicine Fellowship Program
University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine
Instructor in NRP and PALS
He helped author the American Diabetes Association’s Consensus Statement on Activity and Exercise in Type 2 Diabetes and is currently a member of the American Diabetes Association’s Technical Writing Committee for Exercise and Activity in Type 1 Diabetes.
He served as a Crew Chief for the United States Olympic Committee from 1996-2004, was Director of Medical Coverage for the Men’s NCAA Final Four Basketball Tournament in 1999 and was an original team physician with the Tampa Bay Rays professional baseball team from 1997-2005.
A past Editorial Board member of Clinical Diabetes and a current Editorial Board member of Insulin Dr. White has authored over 75 publications. He has lectured at national meetings since 1986 on sports medicine, exercise stress testing, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In 2002 he was named to the list of “Top Florida Doctors” and was named to “Kansas City Super Doctors” in 2007 and in 2008. He was listed in the “Guide to America’s Top Family Doctors” in 2008.
Dr. White is a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicans, Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine and a member of American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Family Medicine and has his subspecialty Certification of Added Qualifications in Sports Medicine, Adolescent Medicine and Geriatric Medicine.
He enjoys woodworking, jazz music and is a Lifetime MS 150 Rider.
He and his wife, Dara, have been married 38 years.
The Global Directory of Who’s Who 2007
Cambridge Who’s Who 2007
Contemporary Who’s Who of Professionals 2007
Named to Kansas City Super Doctors 2008
Guide to America’s Top Family Doctors 2008
The Global Directory of Who’s Who 2008
White RD: Treat-to-Target A1C Approach to Control Type 2 Diabetes and Prevent Complications.
Adv Ther 2007;24:545-559.
White RD: Gadgets for the management of diabetes. In Rakel, RE (ed). Textbook of Family Practice,
7th edition. W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia. 2007.
Aoki TT, White RD: Initiating Insulin in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. J Fam Pract 2007;
(August Suppl):S4-S12.
White RD, Mayfield JA, and Winn WJ: Your Disease is Borderline. Family Medicine 2007;39:546-549.
Harris GD, White RD: Exercise Stress Testing in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: When is the Asymptomatic Patient Screened? Clinical Diabetes 2007;25:126-130.
White RD: Insulin Pump Therapy (Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion).
Prim Care Clin Office Pract 2007;34:845-871.
White RD: How should hypertension be managed in those with diabetes? Diabetes Q & A.
On the α and the Ω of the beta cell. Consultant 2007:47 (14):1245-1248.
LaRocca DS, Kirkman MS, Childs BP, White RD. American Diabetes Association
Self-Assessment Program: Module 1. American Diabetes Association. 2007.
White RD and Harris GD: Office Electrocardiograms. In Pfenninger JL and Fowler GC (eds.):
Procedures for Primary Care Physicians. 3rd edition. Elsevier Publishing Company. In Press.
White RD and Brown MB: Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, Phonophoresis, and Iontophoresis. In Pfenninger JL and Fowler GC (eds.): Procedures for Primary Care Physicians. 3rd edition.
Elsevier Publishing Company. In Press.
White RD and Mitchell T: Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring. In Pfenninger JL and Fowler GC (eds.): Procedures for Primary Care Physicians. 3rd edition. Elsevier Publishing Company. In Press.
White RD and Ashbrooks D: Body Fat Analysis. In Pfenninger JL and Fowler GC (eds.): Procedures for Primary Care Physicians. 3rd edition. Elsevier Publishing Company. In Press.
White RD and Adams C: Nursemaid’s Elbow.In Pfenninger JL and Fowler GC (eds.):
Procedures for Primary Care Physicians. 3rd edition. Elsevier Publishing Company. In Press.
White RD and Cardone D: The Athlete with Diabetes. In Madden, C and Putukian, M (eds.)
Sports Medicine: The Team Physician’s Handbook. Elsevier Publishing, Inc., Philadelphia. In Press.
White RD and Harris GD: Exercise Stress Testing. In Mayeaux EJ, (ed.) Atlas of Essential Medical Procedures (2nd ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., Philadelphia. In Press.
White, RD: ECG Interpretation. 12-Hour procedural seminar presentation for the
National Procedures Institute. Orlando, Florida. July 10-11, 2007.
White, RD: Diabetes Mellitus Update. Presentation at AFP & FPM Live.
Raleigh, North Carolina.
July 27, 2007.
White, RD: Gadgets and Gizmos in the Management of Diabetes. Three-hour workshop presentation at the National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Students. Kansas City, Missouri. August 2-4, 2007.
Evans CH and White RD: Cardiology Stress Testing. Eight-hour Workshop at The American Academy of Family Physicians Hands-On Procedural Skills. Indianapolis, IN. September 9-10, 2007.
White RD: Diabetes Mellitus Workshop. One-hour presentation at the 59th Annual Scientific Assembly of the American Academy of Family Physicians. Chicago, Illinois. October 3-7, 2007.
Evans CH and White RD: Cardiology Stress Testing. Advanced Cardiology Stress Testing. White RD and Weiland DA: ECG Interpretation. Four-hour Workshops at the 59th Annual Scientific Assembly of the American Academy of Family Physicians.
Chicago, Illinois. October 3-7, 2007.
White RD: Use of Insulin in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus. Ninety-minute lecture presentation at the 59th Annual Scientific Assembly of the American Academy of Family Physicians.
Chicago, Illinois. October 3-7, 2007.
White RD: Gadgets and Gizmos in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus: Punctures, Pumps, Pens and Meters. Three-hour workshop presentation at the 59th Annual Scientific Assembly of the
American Academy of Family Physicians. Chicago, Illinois. October 3-7, 2007.
White, RD: ECG Interpretation. 12-Hour procedural seminar presentation for the National Procedures Institute. Las Vegas, Nevada. November 1-2, 2007.
White, RD: Glycemic Management in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Presentation at the Missouri Academy of Family Physicians’ 15th Annual Fall Conference. Ridgedale, Missouri. November 9-11, 2007.
White, RD: Road Map for the Management of Diabetes. Issues in the Management of Diabetes—The
Patient Perspective. Pearson, T and White, RD: Basal-Bolus, Insulin Pump Therapy, Calorie Counting, and Combination Therapy. Presentations at the Family Medicine Chief Residents Summit on Diabetes Mellitus.
New Orleans, Louisiana. November 16-18, 2007.
White, RD: Advanced Exercise Stress Testing. 12-Hour procedural seminar presentation for The National Procedures Institute. Lake Tahoe, NV. March 11-12, 2008.
White, RD: ECG Interpretation. 12-Hour procedural seminar presentation for the National
Procedures Institute. San Antonio, TX. May 9-10, 2008.