Class of 2011

(select each resident to read their bio)



Dr. Blanner Chris Blanner,MD

University of Missouri -Columbia

Why did you choose UMKC for your residency? The personality of the residents and faculty combined with the "electronic" orientation, organization and focus of the program. And Joy Hobick of course.

What are your goals and interests? I want to learn the skills necessary to treat a wide variety of patients, but also to do it well.  I would like to pursue my interest in Sports Medicine and use all of those skills in a practice where I take care of families for generation after generation.

When did you decide to become a doctor? A long, long time ago.

What interested you about Family Medicine? The patients and the complexity of (seemingly) simple issues. Nowhere in medicine can you create and maintain the relationships of Family Medicine and nowhere do you bore more of a responsibility for society.  



Dr. Boughton Kiana Boughton, DO

KC University of Medicine & Biosciences

Prairie View A & M University

Why did you choose UMKC for your residency? The program at Truman Medical Center Lakewood offered the most family friendly environment and I felt it would best serve my families needs.

What are your goals and interests? My goal is to become the best family physician I can be. My professional interest include one day founding and managing a multi-specialty primary care office. Personal interests are mainly learning new skills like knitting, sewing, photograph development, etc. And of course my family.

When did you decide to become a doctor? I have wanted to be a doctor since I was in elementary school. I made the decision at the age of twelve and have stuck to it.

What interested you about Family Medicine? Primary care to me is about getting and keeping people healthy. If you can build a bond with a family, I think you have the best chance of making a permanent difference in their lives.



Dr. Divjak Angela Divjak, MD

University of Wisconsin - Madison

Why did you choose UMKC for your residency? The program offered unopposed training at a community hospital, yet its connection to a tertiary care hospital offers the full spectrum of training. The OB and Pediatrics training at UMKC exceeded that of other Family Medicine residencies. Finally, I believe that being part of a larger program will be fun!

What are your goals and interests? In the future, I hope to practice in a small town with a mall group of other family physicians. My special interest is in Women's Health.

When did you decide to become a doctor? During high school I knew that I wanted a career in medicine. At the beginning of college, I considered engineering but promptly decided to be "pre-med" after loving my basic science courses. Volunteering at a Children's Hospital also helped.

What interested you about Family Medicine? The variety of people you encounter. I feel that continuity of care is important and I look forward to patients recognizing me as "their" doctor.



Dr. Green Norma Green, MD

University of Missouri -Columbia

Truman State University, Kirksville, MO

Why did you choose UMKC for your residency? I wanted a wide variety of training in a residency, especially obstetrics and c-sections. The residents and staff were so friendly when I visited, that I immediately felt right at home. All of this combined with the advanced technology and wonderful facilities made UMKC my top choice.

What are your goals and interests? My goals are to be a rural family doc in the Midwest. My specific interests are women’s and children’s health.

When did you decide to become a doctor? Sixth grade.

What interested you about Family Medicine? Continuity of care! The ability to deliver a baby, then see the baby for all it’s well child checks, watch him/her become an adult and be able to deliver his/her children later is what being a family doctor is all about to me.



Dr. Humphrey Andria Humphrey-Johnson, MD

Meharry, Nashville TN

University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Why did you choose UMKC for your residency? I was impressed by the efficiency of rounds and the value placed on residents’ time. I also enjoyed the great location near my brother and his family. I finally liked the idea of finishing residency with an MBA.

What are your goals and interests? I am interested in Community and Adolescent Medicine, and Geriatrics.

When did you decide to become a doctor? I admired my pediatrician in elementary school.

What interested you about Family Medicine? Family medicine allows limitless possibilities and many procedures , a variety of patients, and being able to treat the entire family.



Dr. Johnson Carey Johnson, DO

Des Moines University - Osteopathic Medical Center

Central College, Pella IA

Why did you choose UMKC for your residency? I wanted to stay in the Midwest for my residency because of the strong programs available, the caliber of people, and proximity to my family. Specifically, I chose UMKC Truman because of the community hospital based setting, terrific program faculty, great reputation, and camaraderie with the residents.

What are your goals and interests? Professionally, I want to have holistic medical health center after residency. My focus will be on nutrition, women’s health, OMT and non-pharmaceutical treatment approaches. Personally I look forward to having my own family in the future. At present, I am satisfied with spending my free time with my parents, brothers and sisters, and numerous nieces and nephews. I love playing baseball, cards, board games, swimming, dancing, singing, karaoke, etc. with my family. My interests are many and very eclectic!

When did you decide to become a doctor? From the time I was in elementary school I knew I wanted to work in health care, but in what capacity I didn’t know. Over the years I changed my mind many times. By my junior year in college I finally decided I was going to go for it and become a doctor.

What interested you about Family Medicine? I’m the type of person who knows a little about a lot of things. In the scope of medicine, family practice is much the same way. I desire to have a great deal of variation in my practice, from treating the very young to the very old. I’m also especially passionate about integrative medicine which family medicine will complement well.



Dr. Karjalainen Nina Karjalainen, MD

University of Turku, Finland

Grove City College, PA

Why did you choose UMKC for your residency? I love the Kansas City area and have good friends close by. On my interview day, I was thoroughly impressed by the warm residents and faculty, the beautiful facility, and by how well organized the program is. The c-section tract also interests me.

What are your goals and interests? To become an excellent family doctor, wife and mother with a heart to serve, broaden my knowledge base and skills for God’s work in mission fields. My interests are procedures, psychiatry, and international health.

When did you decide to become a doctor? When I was 17, I was in the hospital for an appendectomy. I looked at the doctors and decided that was what I wanted to do.

What interested you about Family Medicine? The variety, and getting to enjoy a little bit of all specialties. The challenge of starting the problem solving process from vague complaints, and the long-term patient relationships.



Dr. O'Brien Kelly O'Brien, MD

University of Kansas

Why did you choose UMKC for your residency? I chose UMKC because I wanted to remain in Kansas City close to family and friends. I also really liked the idea of a community hospital associated with a university.

What are your goals and interests? I am very interested in women’s health and pediatric care, and I hope to someday join a group practice in an urban or suburban setting.
Outside of medicine, my interests include spending time relaxing with family and friends.

When did you decide to become a doctor? I wanted to be a physician since I was very young and played often with my Fisher Price doctor’s kit!  As I grew older and volunteered in various health-related fields, my interest in becoming a doctor only grew.

What interested you about Family Medicine?  I love how Family Medicine allows me to combine my multiple interests into one field.  I believe I will enjoy the variety of patients in my daily schedule and am excited about the very unique relationship Family Practice physicians have with their patients.  I want to make my patients feel at ease and as if they are coming to their physician not only to resolve a medical problem, but also for familiarity, warmth, and guidance. 



Oshel Abbey Oshel, DO

Des Moines University - Osteopathic Medical Center

Pittsburg State University, KS

Why did you choose UMKC for your residency? I truly enjoyed my rotation there as a 4th year student. I felt like the residents had great relationships with each other and the faculty, and they seemed to be genuinely happy going to work each day. I also liked the benefits of having an unopposed program in the university setting.

What are your goals and interests? My goals are to be a faithful Christian witness, to be a good wife, to raise healthy and happy children, and to provide quality healthcare for my patients. I enjoy spending time with my family, doing things outdoors, shopping and redecorating our house.

When did you decide to become a doctor? My father was my Anatomy and Physiology teacher my senior year of high school and he really encouraged me to pursue my interest in science. I started out as a physical therapy major in college, but after working in the family practice office in my hometown, I realized medicine was my true passion.

What interested you about Family Medicine? I enjoy the full spectrum of patient care and being able to interact with the entire family throughout each phase of life. I particularly enjoy women’s health, preventive medicine, and pediatrics.



RichardC Charissa Richard, DO

KC University of Medicine & Biosciences

Murray State University, KY

Why did you choose UMKC for your residency? The atmosphere is supportive and nurturing, where residents are challenged without humiliation.

What are your goals and interests?
I would like to practice in a rural, underserved area, and also make time for medical mission work.

When did you decide to become a doctor? In college, when I realized that being a physician would allow me to teach, conduct research, and treat illness.

What interested you about Family Medicine? The ability to treat a wide range of common problems, interact with a diverse patient population, and the freedom to tailor a practice to my unique interests and abilities.



Sachs Lauren Sachs, DO

KC University of Medicine & Biosciences

Truman State University, Kirksville

Why did you choose UMKC for your residency? I was impressed with the unopposed Family Medicine program UMKC offers and the emphasis they place on the importance of the business side of medicine. Everyone I met seemed happy and were very friendly and I love Kansas City!

What are your goals and interests? I’m very interested in Women’s Health issues and I look forward to developing these with UMKC’s OB track. I also enjoy being involved in medicine on a leadership level and hope to incorporate my business and health policy interests into my medical education. On a non-medical level, I love to cook, ski, travel, spending time with family and friends.

When did you decide to become a doctor? I’ve known from a young age that I wanted to be a doctor; I’ve had supportive family and friends to help me develop those interests along the way!

What interested you about Family Medicine? I love the continuity of care that Family Medicine offers. The variety of patients and diseases is attractive to me, as well as playing a crucial part in the health care community.



Taylor Sarah Taylor, MD

UMKC School of Medicine

University of Missouri, Kansas City

Why did you choose UMKC for your residency? I was impressed with the unopposed Family Medicine program UMKC offers and the emphasis they place on the importance of the business side of medicine. Everyone I met seemed happy and were very friendly and I love Kansas City!

What are your goals and interests? I’m very interested in Women’s Health issues and I look forward to developing these with UMKC’s OB track. I also enjoy being involved in medicine on a leadership level and hope to incorporate my business and health policy interests into my medical education. On a non-medical level, I love to cook, ski, travel, spending time with family and friends.

When did you decide to become a doctor? I’ve known from a young age that I wanted to be a doctor; I’ve had supportive family and friends to help me develop those interests along the way!

What interested you about Family Medicine? I love the continuity of care that Family Medicine offers. The variety of patients and diseases is attractive to me, as well as playing a crucial part in the health care community.



Vale Chelle Vale, DO

KC University of Medicine & Biosciences

Washburn University, Topeka KS

Why did you choose UMKC for your residency? I choose UMKC for my residency because of the family friendly atmosphere. My family is very important to me and I felt that the leadership in this program is very family oriented as well.  I felt very welcomed and at home when I did rotations at Truman Lakewood.

What are your goals and interests? My goal is to have a rural family practice with strong OB, Peds and office procedures.  I would like to care for entire families and be able to make a difference in a community.

When did you decide to become a doctor? I was originally a pediatric nurse and after working as a nurse for five years decided that I wanted to have a practice of my own in which I could take care of my own patients the way that I would want my family members cared for.

What interested you about Family Medicine? The ability to have a profound affect on the way people live their lives.  I hope to be able to teach people how to live healthy, happy lives and to help them prevent illness.  Family medicine encompasses all aspects of the patient and they count on their general practitioners to guide and watch over their care even if they are being cared for by specialists.