
Check It Out!

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Not ready to apply for residency yet? Want to know more about Family Medicine as a career? Take a few minutes to explore the Virtual Family Medicine Interest Group.

Listen to medical students, residents and Family Medicine physicians speak on why they chose this opportunity-filled specialty.

More information is available on opportunities at UMKC Family Medicine at TMC Lakewood for Medical Students.

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UMKC Family Medicine Residency is one of the most comprehensive Family Medicine programs in the country as well as one of the largest. With 40 residents and three fellowships, over the past 20 years, we have had more graduates than any single midwest residency.Our mission is to provide an unequaled opportunity to be a successful Family Medicine physician in a variety of practice environments.

 Truman Medical Center Lakewood is home base for the program.

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We are not just a different kind of residency....

....We are a residency making a difference!

UMKC Family Medicine Announces!

UMKC Family Medicine Residency News

Growing FAST!

Fastest Growing Hospital

The Kansas City Business Journal has just named TMC Lakewood as the fastest growing hospital in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area!


The election results for our new Chiefs have just been announced! Meet our new Chief Residents for the Family Medicine Residency Program:

Dr GloverDr. Drew Glover
Dr JenksDr. Chris Jenks Dr PriceDr. Jackie Price

Residents and Fellows for the 2013-2014 Academic Year


The new academic year has been started and here are our 3 classes of Family Medicine Residents and our new Fellows. (For a full sized image, click above)


Congratulations to our latest scholarship winner!

Each year the Missouri Society of the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (MSACOFP) awards up to three (3) $1,000 scholarships to physicians in a family medicine residency in Missouri. The scholarship was established to help identify and develop future leaders for MSACOFP and osteopathic medicine. It rewards residents who demonstrate excellence in osteopathic medicine and intend to practice in Missouri.

ElseDr. Britney Else, MSACOFP scholarship winner

TMC Lakewood Family Birthplace Named to Most Luxurious List

"If you'll be having a baby in the foreseeable future and can't stand the thought of a dreary room with linoleum floors and a meager chair for your partner to sleep on, you might want to check out one of these fancy hospitals." more

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