
    ITE 2011

    We are not just a different kind of residency......

    .......We are a residency making a difference!

    The UMKC Residency program is a true leader in Family Medicine education and the delivery of healthcare. You will not find a more innovative program in the country, one that is continually breaking new ground in the future of primary care.

  • AOA Certified - First and Only dually accredited program in the region. Osteopathic students may go through the Osteopathic Match and apply through ERAS.

  • Bess Truman Family Medicine Clinic - was designed with efficiency and education in mind for our residents. Conveniently located on site in TMC Lakewood Hospital and on track to receive Patient Centered Medical Home certification in 2013.

  • Osteopathic Manipulation Clinic - This specialized clinic has been expanded from our Family Medicine Center to be a part of our musculoskelatal and Sports Medicine Clinic.

  • Sports Medicine - the only primary care Sports Medicine clinic in the region and the F & O Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship in Kansas City. Our Sports Medicine Fellowship is ACGME approved and we fill two positions each year.

  • Optional Integrated MBA program since 2007 - We have ten residents and the program director with MBAs or will complete them soon in our integrated program.  We have great business, leadership, and practice management among the faculty and residents.

  • Top Five FM OB Program in the country - We delivered nearly 1200 babies last year. Over 80% of our C-Sections are staffed by family physicians.
  • More Pediatrics than most programs built in - we take care of all of the babies delivered at TMC Lakewood. We also admit pediatrics to our Family Medicine Inpatient service. In addition we do 1 rotation in Pediatric Inpatient Medicine at Children's Mercy Hospital and 1 rotation in the Pediatric Emergency Department.

  • Unopposed program in a primary care community hospital setting combined with the opportunity for a great tertiary care experience at an urban hospital, both part of a system rated in 2005 as a top 5 academic medical center for delivering the highest quality care in the U.S. by the University Healthcare Consortium. We also rotate at Children's Mercy Hospital, one of the top pediatric hospitals in the country.

  • Not For Profit Hospital - One owner for the past 100 years (people of Jackson County). Being a non-profit entity, we don't change hands and cut community programs in the interest of stockholders or private investors. We are our own boss. Our Community and Family Medicine Department delivers more than 85% of the care at this hospital. The Chairman of the Family Medicine Department is also the Medical Director. This hospital is primarily a Family Medicine hospital.

  • Completely Paperless - Our curriculum is completely electronic, with all the G and Os and integrated competency systems required by ACGME. We were one of the first residency programs in the country to be in compliance, receiving the maximum 5 year re-accreditation status from ACGME. Intuitive thinking and a commitment to new technology includes online scheduling and evaluations with the latest cutting edge software.

  • Cerner Powerchart EMR system - we have computers in every outpatient room. TMC is effectively using the most current technology and has been nationally recognized as one of Health Care’s “Most Wired” organizations of 2011 by Hospitals & Health Networks magazine.

  • Specialized Conference Room - we have a modern and up to date Educational Center utilizing technology that gives us the ability to video conference to with UMKC, Children's Mercy Hospital and Truman Medical Center Hospital Hill. This broadens our ability to provide didactics on all levels. Our recent RRC reviewer commented that the only place he has seen in the country such a sophisticated electronic video system was at the Mayo Clinics.

  • Operative OB Track emphasizing the management of complicated OB cases and operative intervention. This begins in RES2 and continues into RES3. We have had residents graduate with over 120 primary C Sections.

  • Block scheduling with thirteen rotations that are four weeks in length. (see curriculum).

  • Opportunities for procedural training including operative OB, colposcopy, vasectomy, IUD placement, PICC Line placement and many other procedures. A dedicated procedure clinic with a faculty member is assigned on a 1:1 basis with a resident. In addition many minor procedures are scheduled right in the continuity clinic. Experiences in endoscopy and colonoscopy are available in our state of the art GI suite during an elective GI rotation.

  • Modified Night Float System Quality of life is important to us. RES1s share 4-5 days of nights in a row on medicine and OB rotations plus 2 days over weekend days.  This system is relatively new and works well within the constraints of the recent changes and restrictions for RES1 work hours.  We strive to not keep RES1s for longer than 12-14hrs despite regulations allowing 16 hrs. We see no need to “overwork” our residents as this does not foster a positive work or learning environment.

  • 24 hour Faculty Coverage - A faculty member is available for consultation and assistance on a 24 hour basis. They are in-house M-TH night to work one-one-one with residents. This allows for a better educational experience and facilitates excellence in patient care. There is also, with the new system, an upper level resident with or available to RES1s at all times to both improve patient care and resident education.
  • Daily Educational Luncheon Conferences on Family Medicine topics. The curriculum for the Noon Conference is designed on an 18 month cycle. Journal Club, Morbidity & Mortality and Behavior Health presentations are given monthly by resident physicians utilizing structured reviews of the literature. Targeted presentations are also included on morning rounds for medicine, obstetrics and pediatrics.

  • Block-End resident team meetings, Grand Rounds and hands on educational seminars are held every four weeks for the entire afternoon. This is also "resident only" time allowing forthright discussions of resident concerns or new ideas for improving the program. There is also generally a couple hours of free time for the residents to interact in a casual, non-work environment.

  • Planned social activities include group excursions to sporting events, plays, other cultural activities and Block End social events. Following the In-Training Exam in the fall a Resident Retreat is scheduled for the weekend with planned educational and entertainment activities. Residents become close friends and plan activities with each other in their free time.

  • Safe Suburban Location in one of the top places places to live in the U.S., Lee's Summit, MO.

  • Resident Directed Program. Through the Medical Education Committee and representation to administration by the Chief Residents, the residents have a significant voice in the policies and programs within the residency. Clinic teams are led by a senior resident who is the "managing partner" for the team.

  • Medical Library is open 24 hours and conveniently located in the Residency Center. Services include an onsite journal and monograph collection, electronic card catalog, reference service, bibliographic instruction, literature searching, article retrieval, technology instruction and educational program support. Staffed by a professional Clinical Medical Librarian that often attnends in-patient rounds and is a vital part of our Family Medicine Residency administration. Computer workstations in the library and throughout the hospital provide resources including online reference, searching, internet, intranet, MS Office and printing. Copying, faxing and scanning are also available.

  • Newly Updated Resident Lounge The improvements include a wall mounted 55” TV, new conference table with chairs and a modern Tech Center with telephones, dedicated computers and additional jacks for personal computers. The space includes a refrigerator, microwave and a new single serving coffee maker. This "resident only" area is a place to get work done, study and when time permits, relax.

    We have really great people to work with, and excel as one of the top programs in the U.S. in Academics, Geriatric Medicine, Maternity Care, Pediatrics, Public Health, Sports and Adolescent Medicine.