Graduates 2012

Scott Avery, DO

Crystal Jones, MD

Valaree Smith, DO

Graduates 2011

Fadi Hamid, MD

Brian Pepito, MD

Graduates 2010

Kathleen Tang-Beltran, DO

Graduates 2009

Annelle Johnson, MD

Malathi Tadakamalla, MD

Graduates 2008

Ravathi Bhat, MD

Iris Comes, MD

Jaysaree Pillarisetti, MD



Geriatric Medicine is a 12 month ACGME accredited fellowship open to Board eligible or certified Family or   Internal Medicine physicians. The goal is to train physicians to be expert providers of primary care in Geriatric Medicine. Candidates must qualify for a permanent Missouri medical license and have a sincere desire to provide care to the frail and elderly. Jon Dedon, MD, Board certified in Geriatric and Internal Medicine, oversees the fellows. Other faculty include: Steve Griffith, MD, Russell White, MD, Crystal Jones, MD, and Kathleen Tang-Beltran, DO.


Resident Selection

Three Geriatric Medicine fellows per year are accepted. You may apply to the Geriatric fellowship through ERAS # 1252831027 but direct applications are preferred. We require a permanent Missouri medical license and board eligibility in Family Medicine or Internal Medicine. Please submit a CV, 2 letters of recommendation, your USMLE board score, a copy of your medical school diploma and MO license along with a personal statement of interest.

Compensation AY 2013 - 14       $53,100

Contact      Joy Hobick       816-404-7146

Learning Opportunities

• Clinical Mentoring by Family Physicians with additional qualifications in Geriatric Medicine and considerable experience: biweekly Geriatric Continuity Clinic; Geriatric Assessment Consultation Clinic for our large medical practice.

• Academic Faculty Development: help coordinate the physician education and care of our hospice patients; present morbidity and mortality reviews; coordinate Geriatric Medicine Journal Club

• Dedicated time weekly for work related to track: didactic, clinical, presentations, chart review

• CME conferences in Geriatric Medicine: good for networking and academic learning


Our Current Geriatric Fellows


Gopi Astik, MD

Alisha Morgan, DO

SrinathTadakamala, MD

UMKC Geriatric Fellowship Program Alumni

1998 1999 2000
Kevin Jackson, MD Mohammed Dardari, MD Ahmrad Batrash, MD
Madhumati Raju, MD   Jabar Fazeli, MD
    Varuna Gadiyaram, MD
2001 2002 2003
Christine Moore, MD Kevin Farrell, DO Amit Joshi
Naveena Nelson, MD Parul Gupta, MD Joanna Tran, MD
    Gladstone Tucker, MD
2004 2005 2006
Joy Cuezze, MD Robert Levine, MD Shelley Alexander, MD
Ali Khezrian, MD Ibrahim Mourad, MD Mary Buss Lightfoot, MD
2007 2008 2009
Shyam Akkulugari, MD Revathi Bhat, MD Annelle Johnson, MD
Manuel San, DO Iris Comes, MD Malathi Tadakamalla, MD
Charina Yango, MD Jayasree Pillarisetti, MD  
2010 2011 2012
Kathleen Tang-Beltran, DO Fahdi Hamid, MD Scott Avery, DO
  Brian Pepito, MD Crystal Jones, MD
    Valaree Smith, MD