
"I believe the best way to run an organization ................."


10 Principles











Better by Design

Todd D. Shaffer, M.D., MBA

Dr Shaffer THE TRUTH IS, finding a residency that's right for you isn't that easy. You've got residency programs that over promise and under deliver; and residencies that assume you already know how to be a practicing physician and want to use you as cheap labor. You also have programs that provide you with little hands on clinical training, yet promised you would do a lot with "available training".

One residency program embraces the concept of what people really want in a residency program. That program is the University of Missouri-Kansas City Family Medicine Residency.

We make a smart residency program for smart students. A residency program with the highest ratings from outside reviewers receiving the highest appraise and acclamations for our breadth and comprehensiveness of training. Residency accolades where the number of learning experiences takes precedence over the number of false promises not delivered in other programs. Our program puts a structured quality curriculum exactly where it belongs, first and foremost.

We also believe in program that will get you to your destination, wherever that may be in your career. This will be through leadership training and pure learning experiences.

We steadfastly adhere to the proposition that premium amenities are not to be reserved exclusively for the ivy leagues. That beautiful design should not necessitate giving up on life's ambitions and that stimulating performance and experiences needn't come from doctors like Socrates and Hippocrates.

In other words, we believe in processes that don't insult your intelligence, but rather, respect it.

UMKC Family Medicine Residency Program puts other highly ranked programs on notice. We have the only residency program in the country with three fellowships and an integrated MBA program. Our OB is one of the top five busiest in the country for FM programs and our FM colposcopy referral center is second to none. Our Geriatrics and Pediatrics provide excellent training. Our Sports medicine, manipulation and alternative medicine clinics give new meaning to the term "full scope family medicine." Many of our faculty hold national positions, awards and are nationally known speakers and researchers. 

We are progressive in areas such as tobacco cessation, EHR adoption, pharma free education, six sigma and lean management leadership. Our hospital’s top five national UHC rating and green design of our facilities lead other hospitals around the nation. We also afford the busiest outpatient hospital clinics in the entire metro area and state of Missouri. Our progressive program is the best yet, and will continue to redefine cutting edge and innovative programs with our ennovations.

Feel free to surf our site and get better acquainted. University of Missouri-Kansas City sound good so far? You haven't heard anything yet…..
