Class of 2014



Class of 2015



Class of 2016




















In Their Own Words

"After choosing Family Medicine as a specialty I was very happy to find such a great program right here in the Kansas City area. Lakewood had more than one unique feature that drew me to the program.." Pete Scaletty, MD

"I chose UMKC FM residency because it offers the most comprehensive scope of training, particularly in obstetrics, while also holding residents to the highest standard of excellence in order to graduate fully competent, experienced family physicians."
Annie Lewis, DO

"My best day as a doctor was the day that I decided on Family Practice for my future career!." Avery Abernathy, DO

"My goal is to become an exemplary physician in a rural community who is well-known for forming strong and caring relationships with my patients." Mitch Bartley, DO

"My best day as a doctor had to be my first delivery as a doctor. It is a really special moment and I felt on top of the world."
Britney Else, DO

"I chose UMKC for countless reasons, but ultimately, after I spent a month at UMKC for an elective, I was so impressed with the faculty, the residents and the facilities at UMKC that I couldn't really see myself anywhere else. The residents have a great amount of autonomy in an unopposed, community-based program with support from faculty that is composed mostly of Family Medicine docs."
Drew Glover, MD

"My future career goals are largely centered on community practice in an underserved area of the United States. I am specifically interested in maternal and child health." Brittany Irey, MD

"My father was one of the first graduates of the Family Medicine residency program at UMKC. He is one of the best and most respected physicians I know and his education plays very large role in that." Allison Critchlow, DO

"I believe you have the ability to make the most impact because you are often the patient’s first evaluation, you coordinate their care with specialists if needed, and you can serve as their advocate in the medical setting." Ryan Sears, DO

"While visiting UMKC’s Family Medicine Residency, I felt at home and knew that my potential would be greatest here. "
Chad Sharky, DO

"My goal is to prepare myself to handle any situation that awaits me as a family physician. I want to learn everything I can to best serve my patients, both during residency and for the rest of my career." Kara Meler, DO