We are not just a different kind of residency..............

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.......We are a residency making a difference!



Training medical students is an integral part of our mission in family medicine education. We welcome 3rd and 4th year students for electives tailored in four week blocks. Students are given primary responsibility under faculty and resident supervision and teaching is one on one. Daily noon conferences and other didactic lectures provide an educational forum for interaction. Evaluation is based upon performance of physical exam skills, history taking, differential diagnoses creation, treatment plans and teamwork concepts.


PREREQUISITES: For August – January rotations, students must be in their final year of medical school. Rotations February – June, are open to students in their 3rd year (5th yr UMKC) of medical school. We accept application materials through VSAS.

VSAS contact at UMKC is Steve Pankey, 816.235.1966 or [email protected]

Additional application materials requested include a letter of recommendation from a family physician and a brief personal statement expressing an interest in Family Medicine. They can be sent directly to Kimberly Sixkiller, UMKC Family Medicine Residency Coordinator at [email protected].

Family Medicine Course Director ~ Todd Shaffer, MD, MBA

In the full scope Family Medicine experience, student physicians will spend one week each on Inpatient, OB, Outpatient and Geriatrics.  If you have a specific interest in one area, we would be happy to tailor your experience to meet your needs! Student physicians will work one on one with UMKC Family medicine  residents and faculty to hone their skills and improve their management in a diverse patient population. From bringing new life into the world in our NEW OB Unit to managing end of life care in our Long Term Care facility, this rotation has it all!

Student Doctors will take overnight call twice during the one-month rotation, once on OB and once on inpatient medicine where they will work directly with the on-call resident.

The Outpatient experience includes; family medicine clinic, dermatology, procedures, colposcopy and OMT.

This rotation is set up to maximize student education through direct patient, resident and attending interaction and facilitate your growth in full scope family medicine!

Geriatric Medicine Course Director ~ Jon Dedon, MD

Student physicians will spend a one month block working directly with Family Medicine residents, Geriatric Medicine fellows and Geriatricians on our 184-bed Long-term Care facility within TMC Lakewood.  Students will learn to manage common conditions of the elderly such as dementia, falls, urinary incontinence and osteoporosis, and will gain experience with end- of-life care and advanced directives.

Students will spend time in the geriatric assessment clinic learning how to manage poly pharmacy  as a consultant and assess patient needs as they age.

This is a non-call rotation with weekends off for students!

Students are invited to spend one half day during the month at geriatric journal club over breakfast to discuss developing issues in geriatric care as presented by the geriatric fellows!

Students will work as part of the Geriatric Medicine team along with physicians, Geriatric pharmacists, nursing, restorative  aids, dieticians and  OT, PT and  ST to develop patient care plans.

There is no better experience for a student considering  a future in Geriatric Medicine or wanting to improve their management of the elderly!