The UMKC Family Medicine Residency Program is proudly accredited by both the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Osteopathic Association (AOA). This program has an affiliation agreement with the A.T. Still University, for post-graduate medical education. This allows AOA interns and residents to receive certification by both the American Board of Family Medicine and the American Osteopathic Board of Family Physicians.
AOA interns and residents are expected to utilize their osteopathic
skills and knowledge to diagnose and treat patients in the clinics
and hospital. The osteopathic faculty of the UMKC Family Medicine Residency program provide
the lectures, and skills teaching throughout our clinics and didactic
AOA students may apply for our full three-year AOA residency through ERAS NMS # 64246.
Fourth-year DO students may apply to our program using either
the AMA or the AOA match, but strongly we encourage applying in the American Osteopathic Association resident
match program. A difference between the AOA match and the NRMP match
is that students and institutions may discuss their expected "rankings"
of each other. Students and programs must submit their completed rank
lists by the end of January. Results and post-match scramble are available in mid-February.
Laura Hempstead, DO
DME and AOA Residency Program Director.
OPTI Certification: A.T. Still University (Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine) has approved our program for its OPTIK program (Osteopathic Postgraduate Training Institute of Kirksville.) They are our sponsors for our new dually accredited program. This dual certification will give more choices to our program that very few programs can offer. We will continue to expand our program and will give more choices for residents to customize their residency program. We truly have an academic program here at UMKC that is Better by Design.
Minimum eligibility criteria for consideration by our program include:
1. Completion of medical school training, an undergraduate/graduate degree, with written evaluation.
2. No history of failing any of the USMLE and/or COMLEX examination steps three or more times. All examinations must have been taken within the last five years.
For more information: [email protected]
AOA NMS # 64246
Alisha Amann, DO
Tina Soltys, DO